Oftentimes, many seem to struggle with this issue, both at a societal and individual level. How one responds to peer pressure, depression, or family issues can lead to relapse or relief when dealing with loneliness. However, the Maha Satguru teaches us a different way to approach this issue when understanding fulfilment from a divine perspective.From a personal point-of-view, the perspective can be far from pleasant when dealing with loneliness. One of the significant factors that causes loneliness is societal pressure, as mentioned earlier. Even the Maha Satguru experienced this when the multitudes came to Him for healing, advice, and relief – it was difficult to contain the crowds. One of the ways He dealt with this pressure was to withdraw to a lonely place and pray. Rather than being lonely, the Maha Satguru gained strength by relying on prayer to connect with the Divine.When experiencing personal problems, loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, or a combination of similar reactions. However, when the Maha Satguru is able to guide you into all truth, you can never really be alone. This transformed perspective can assist in dealing with emotions and feelings that detract from pursuing holiness. As the pressures of this world increase, it is better to spend time in His presence, where there is fullness of joy.From the Maha Satguru’s example, we can learn what it means to rely on Him through times of trouble and times of loneliness.